21天入门Perl系列,DAY 01

解释编程语言和编译编程语言的区别(interpretive and compiled programming languages)

What Is Perl?
Perl提供的所有功能脚本语言sed和awk,加上这两种语言之外的功能。Perl也支持sed-to-Perl translator 和 an awk-to-Perl translator.
简单来说就是perl像C语言一样有用而且像sed, awk 和shell一样方便。

How Do I Find Perl?


Where Do I Get Perl?
$ ftp prep.ai.mit.eduConnected to prep.ai.mit.edu.220 aeneas FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Thu Apr 14 20:21:35 EDT 1994) ready.Name (prep.ai.mit.edu:dave): anonymous331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.Password:230-Welcome, archive user!230-230-If you have problems downloading and are seeing “Access denied” or230-“Permission denied”, please make sure that you started your FTP 230-client in a directory to which you have write permission.230-230-If you have any problems with the GNU software or its downloading, 230-please refer your questions to <gnu@PREP.AI.MIT.EDU>. If you have any230-other unusual problems, please report them to <root@aeneas.MIT.EDU>.230-230-If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first 230-character of your password – this will turn off the continuation230-messages that may be confusing your FTP client.230-230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.ftp> cd pub/gnu
250-If you have problems downloading and are seeing “Access denied” or250-“Permission denied”, please make sure that you started your FTP250-client in a directory to which you have write permission.250-250-Please note that all files ending in ‘.gz’ are compressed with 250-‘gzip’, not with the unix ‘compress’ program. Get the file README250- and read it for more information.250-250-Please read the file README250- it was last modified on Thu Feb 1 15:00:50 1996 – 32 days ago250-Please read the file README-about-.diff-files250- it was last modified on Fri Feb 2 12:57:14 1996 – 31 days ago250-Please read the file README-about-.gz-files250- it was last modified on Wed Jun 14 16:59:43 1995 – 264 days ago250 CWD command successful.ftp> binary200 Type set to I.ftp> get perl-5.001.tar.gz200 PORT command successful.150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for perl-5.001.tar.gz (1130765 bytes).226 Transfer complete.1130765 bytes received in 9454 seconds (1.20 Kbytes/s)ftp> quit221 Goodbye.$
once you’ve retrieved the Perl distribution, do the following:
1. Create a directory and move the file you just received, perl-5.001.tar.gz, to this directory. (Or, alternatively, move it to a directory already reserved for this purpose.)
2. The perl-5.001.tar.gz file is compressed to save space. To uncompress it, enter the command$ gunzip perl-5.001.tar.gzgunzipis the GNU uncompress program. If it’s not available on your system, see your system administrator. (You can, in fact, retrieve it from prep.ai.mit.eduusing anonymous FTP with the same commands you used to retrieve the Perl distribution.) When you run gunzip, the file perl-5.001.tar.gzwill be replaced by perl-5.001.tar, which is the uncompressed version of the Perl distribution file.
3. The next step is to unpack the Perl distribution. In other words, use the information in the Perl distribution to create the Perl source files. To do this, enter the following command:$ tar xvf – <perl-5.001.tarAs this command executes, it creates each source file in turn and displays the name and size of each file as it is created. The tarcommand also creates subdirectories where appropriate; this ensures that the Perl source files are organized in a logical way.
4. Using your favorite C compiler, compile the Perl source code using the makefile provided. (This makefile should have been created when the source files were unpacked in the last step.)5. Place the compiled Perl executable into the directory where you normally keep your executables. On UNIX systems, this directory usually is called /usr/local/bin, and Perl usually is named /usr/local/bin/perl.

A Sample Perl Program

Running a Perl Program
1. Using your favorite editor, type the previous program and save it in a file called program1_1.
2. Tell the system that this file contains executable statements. To do this in the UNIX environment, enter the command$ chmod +x program1_1
3. Run the program by entering the command$ program1_1

If Something Goes Wrong
可以指定program1_1的位置 ./program1_1,

The First Line of Your Perl Program: How Comments Work

第一行 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
“#” 是注释符号,它告诉系统后面的是不可执行部分,注释语句可以跟在代码后面或者自己单独一行
“!” 是特殊字符,它告诉系统这是什么类型的脚本
“/usr/local/bin/perl” 是perl在系统中的路径

第二行 Statements, Tokens, and <STDIN>
$inputline = <STDIN>;

Statements and Tokens
当perl解释器看见语句,语句打碎成一个个小的信息组。在这个例子中是$inputline, =, <STDIN>,;所有这些都叫做token。

Tokens and White Space
$inputline = <STDIN>;
$inputline = <STDIN>;

What the Token do: Reading from standard input

print, 标准输出。
Is there any particular editor I need to use with Perl?
A:No. Perl programs are ordinary text files. You can use any text editor you like.

Q:Why do I need to enter the chmod +x command before running my program?
A:Because Perl programs are ordinary text files, the UNIX operating system does not know that they are executable programs. By default, text files have read and write permissions granted, which means you can look at your file or change it. The chmod +x command adds execute permission to the file; when this permission is granted, the system knows that this is an executable program.

Q:Can I use print to print other things besides input lines?
A:Yes. You’ll learn more about how you can use print on Day 3, “Understanding Scalar Values.”

Q:Why is Perl available for free?
A:This encourages the dissemination of computer knowledge and capabilities. It works like this: You can get Perl for free, and you can use it to write interesting and useful programs. If you want, you can then give these programs away and let other people write interesting and useful programs based on your programs. This way, everybody benefits. You also can modify the source for Perl, provided you tell everybody that your version is a modification of the original. This means that if you think of a clever thing you want Perl to do, you can add it yourself. (However, you can’t blame anybody else if your modification breaks something or if it doesn’t work.) Of course, you don’t have to give your Perl programs away for free. In fact, you even can sell your Perl programs, provided you don’t borrow anything from somebody else’s program.

1. Modify program1_1 to print the input line twice.
2. Modify program1_1 to read and print two different input lines。
3. Modify program1_1 to read two input lines and print only the second one.

4. BUG BUSTER: What is wrong with the following program?

$inputline = <STDIN>;
print ($inputline)

5. BUG BUSTER: What is wrong with the following program?
$inputline = <STDIN>;
# print my line! print($inputline);

6. What does the following program do?
$inputline = <STDIN>;
$inputline2 = <STDIN>;print ($inputline2);
print ($inputline);
